10 November 2006

the tally so far

sorry if it seems i've been aloof this week. i haven't. just a little distracted. Carl, how are you feeling? a 100% better? and by the way, i love the idea of you posting pics of your world. i would love that. i would love if all of you guys did that!

and Dori, how are your parents doing? is everything back to normal? how did your finals go?

so i wanted to post a tally so far of what people are thinking about the reunion:

* Carl - europe
* Dori - mid december to mid january or after mid may
* La Portes (Heidi & Marc) - maybe june, maybe colorado, maybe oregon, maybe europe
* Sam - can't do summer or immediately around christmas
* Swansons (Shawna & Andy) - they said we are more than welcome in minnesota, or canada! they could possibly do colorado, oregon, christmas break (26th - 2nd), spring break (march 29th - april 8th), or summer break (june 11th - september 4th)
* vander Laans (Tine & Andy) - sound pretty busy around christmas and new years, they said they'll post something soon though

where are the rest of ya'll at???

1 comment:

dori said...

My parents are good. :) We're going to PA for Thanksgiving to see my grandmother.