17 November 2006

Up the Irons :-)

Hi guys!

Just wanted to let you guys know that im doing great and say hi!
In theory this time should be spent on my history essay about the early colonization from a british point of view! Mayflower and all.. I actually dont know that much about it, but it will all work out I hope!

Up the Irons! - I went to see Iron Maiden play in Copenhagen a week ago or so! Its was okay - The sound was horrible, but they played awesome! A lot of the new stuff ( which i unlike alot of other people like) and some old stuff as well! It was deffinately a night to remember...

Otherwise i dont have that much to say... Unfortunately it looks like its going to be hard to make a reunion.. Everybody are so busy - incl. myself..

For those of you who dont know Iron Maiden here are some youtube links :)

the same song Live

That is some good stuff

well gotta go

Take care y'all

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