hey you guys, this e-mail is from Shawna!
Hello all!
I pray that all of you are doing well. I am doing great! I do have some big news for all of you:
As you all know I am getting married, the date has changed...from May 20th 2006 to Dec. 10th 2005 (1.3 months away). I know many of you are shocked. I am too!
Andy and I have moved the date for multiple reasons:
1) I am finished school after thanksgiving break (Nov 28th) - reason: the classes next semester don't really apply all that much to me because they are primarily internship prep courses, and I am not going on internship.
2) Because I am not continuing in school I will no longer be allowed to be in the USA, that is without getting married.
3) Most importantly: God has called Andy and I together for a greater purpose than we know; What we do know is that we love each other deeply and we feel we can do more TOGETHER than apart for the furthering His Kingdom ("One person can defeat 1000 deamons, two people 10,000!")
We trust Him and lean in Him alone for guidance and direction, He has proved Himself faithful again and again - we have no doubt in our minds that this is God's plan for our lives - He will provide and bless His chosen ones.
This is big news I know, but wait...there's more:
Because I am done with school sooner than planned, I am not able to leave the country (go home for Christmas to Canada). So the wedding location has changed form Vancouver Island, Canada to Bloomington, Minnesota USA. We will be sending out invitations as soon as we book the church and reception hall - hopefully tomorrow.
This is just a heads up to let you know what is going on in my life right now and that you are all invited to my wedding on Saturday Dec.10th 2005.
If you are a christian I ask that you would be in prayer for Andy and I and the sudden change of plans and the large amount of stress that comes with this next month. We are looking for an apartment in the Bloomington area and praying for a caretaker position - manager of apartments - because we get free rent that way.
We know God has called us to this place and the church we are part of for such a time as this - For those of you who don't know, Andy and I are both leaders in our church youth group of 60 kids and growing.
I am sorry for the short notice, but God's ways are highter than our ways - and the plans that HE has mmade are good and true!
I love you all and miss you immensely,
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me, or call me (if you leave a message I'll get back to you ASAP)
Thanks and God Bless - To God Be The Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shawna (& Andy)