09 November 2005

Da Carl in da House!!

Hey guys... im in!

Hope everything is dandy wherever you are!
Here in DK it's all good.. I still think aboutu that awesome wedding we attended i germany. Thats was great seeing most of you there!

Well just wanted to announce my presence here at blogger, and Treasure... Is Grouper still running? My comp cracked and all my progs were erased :(

not goood!


take care guys!



dori said...

Hey! Welcome! :) It was great seeing you in Germany!!

treasure said...

hey Carl!!! welcome to blogger... thanks so much for announcing your arrival! dang man, sorry about the computer problems, that is such a pain... and yes Grouper is still up, but Tom is the only other person that signed up and i already posted all of his pictures here... so it's probably not worth installing again... hey, how did the salmon that you and your parents cooked turn out by the way???

Carl said...

Hey Treasure!Just got your message!

Maybe its just me... But i think that its hard to find the place to to post new posts!
However.... I am ashames of myself! I look SO PALE on the pics from germany that its scary! not good-.... Im deffinatly going to a artificial sun thingy soon!!!
Take Care


treasure said...

its totally that super shitty camera i brought... you're definitely not pale... yeah, i wish i could make getting to the posting page easier, but i have no control over that... the quickest way i know of is to

1. go here: http://www.blogger.com/start

2. type in your username and password

3. click on the green plus sign to the right of life really lived

4. click publish post after you say whatcha wanna say