28 November 2005

teaching fungus

Hey guys! Just wanted to add a litttle pic of me teaching my fellow students about .... well... fungus!

Ad this is of me finding... fungus. Great stuff!





treasure said...

good times... good times... what is the most fascinating thing you learned about fungus? how was life of agony???

Carl said...

Oh.. I think the most fascinating thing was that we all have fungus in our breath! gross i know, but we do!
LOA was good. The sound was crappy, but seeing your heroes is always a good thing!
I was on the third row just in front of Keith.. WOW slamdancing and all - even though my arm is still broken!
Oh im getting surgery the 22nd of feb. Then the nail is coming out, and thats just great. hopefully i will be able to move my arm totallly then!


treasure said...

yeah, i've heard that a cat's tongue is actually cleaner than a human's... pretty gross... glad to hear LOA was a blast... man, it seems like all the concerts you go to have crappy sound... who did you go with? glad to hear you'll get the nail out in about 2.5 months!