02 November 2006

Hello and reunion stuff!

Hey Tres and co.

Well... I wont sit by and let Tresure write everything in here!!! So...

I have just recoved a terrible cold (all colds are horrible), and now im just sitting and chilling in front of my aquarium and comp... Danish music is playing in the background... and im hungry...

Anyways... Im glad to hear that your dad is doing better Dori... Hope you're doing okay aswell!

And Treasure.... Thanks for the pics... Its cool to see what your life is all about these days.. Seeing the places you hang out in and so on.. I might do the same here in CPH..

Well... i just got a nosebleed... sop i'll stop writing.. I'll write soon...

And sounds good about the whole reunion.. Im only up for Europe... Sorry guys...


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