22 April 2006

Luke and Lorelai 4 ever....peace!

Hey guys...

Just wanted to drop a note, that I have officially become DK's biggest fan of "Gilmore Girls"... I dont know what it is, but it is intriging??? have no idea how to spell that word.
Its horrible.. Every freaking day, i have to know whats up with the whole Lorelai Luke situation.... And whats the deal with Logan and Rory???

Lets have some feedback going here.... We need to .. hmmm I need to hear from you guys, and know what people are up to!


1 comment:

dori said...

Hey! I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'm here. Thanks for posting. Sometimes I watch the Gilmore Girls but not often. I saw a preview of Logan getting into an accident... what happened?
Ok, anyway, how are you? How's school and what are you up to now?
I'm still waiting to hear about grad school. My parents just bought a house so we're moving again... if I go to school I will have moved 3 times in 7 months. :) My job of a year and a half ends in two weeks... I will be officially unemployed. Soooo, that's what's up with me.
Hey, are you back reading the bible, etc? How's the surgery deal?
...hope you're good! Take care!
I miss you guys!!!