28 December 2005

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish you guys a merry christmas and a happy New year.
I celebrated my christmas at my Parents. good stuff with potatoes and duck and some other good danish traditional stuff.. yummi

Im leaving for Copenhagen today, where i am celebrating New Years eve with some friends from school. Its going to be awesome.
May god bless all of you in the new year, and provide lots of lady friends to us singles guys out there :-)


10 December 2005

going to the chapel

if things went as planned... Shawna is getting married today... CONGRATULATIONS!!! :o)

09 December 2005


it's been over a year since i've really let anyone in... i've kept myself at a distance from people for fear that i will miserably fail again... and i sometimes wonder if maybe isolation is better... at least that way i know i won't cause anyone else pain... and at least in isolation i would never again have to experience the indescribably excruciating pain of knowing i caused someone, a very dear someone, deep wounds...

the universiteit van amsterdam rejected me... and though my heart is still very much longing to be in europe again... doors continue to shut... i don't want to accept the fact that God is maybe saying no... but maybe He is... maybe...

and now i find myself in the midst of being invited to be apart of a community house here in portland... but i don't trust myself... how can i expect them to trust me? i am far too relationally klutzy... i don't want to cause anyone any pain again... plus my job situation is seasonal...

how do i commit to something when i am financially unsound and mentally and emotionally messy? but no longer can i remain in this paralyzed state either that has grabbed ahold of me for far too long...

and the howie day song collide has been on repeat in my brain all day long...

02 December 2005


This year i had my second Thanksgiving in my hole life. It was great. With "a bit" of a German influence. Our family came over and we had dinner with a turkey (kind of). It was Andy and my first turkey ever made.
We watched "the Titans" because there is no American football in German TV. My niece Rahel and my nephew Nils enjoyed being spoiled.

So that was our Thanksgiving here in Germany. It is very special to have family. It is wonderful to be around them.
I don't enjoy my job very much. Also I don't feel like my life is here in Germany for good. But I like to say also for everyone who might feel the same way, that God has good plans. That in any situation He can and will give beauty. Like the beauty of being with family in my case. Or the beauty of playing with our niece and nephew.

I would like to give encouragement with this for those who feel like they are in a diffiult place. God is doing something, especially in this place.